Sunday, 29 January 2012

Clean - a Book by Dr. Alejandro Junger

I must confess i was drawn to this book for its title! I am a bit of a clean freak.

'Clean' by Dr.Alejandro Junger is a New York Times bestseller on the art of the body's natural ability to heal itself. I want to share some of the interesting comments in the book to all my readers.

The author says health is a state when body is clear of toxins, mind is settled, emotions are happy, waste eliminated and organs efficient. Yup we all know thats easier said than done! Anyway here are some facts according to the book on toxins.

1. Toxins contain free radicals that corrode tissue and cell damage. Difference toxins interfere with different cell division, reproduction, hormone assembling and release and receptor sensitive.

2. Common sources of toxicity include car exhaust, gardening and lawn chemicals, dry cleaning, heating systems, chloride in swimming pools, mattress containing fire retardent, lead paint, cleaning products and waxes, aluminium containing deodarant, cosmetics, pots and pans with aluminium and teflon, eletromagnetic radiation from electronics and mobile phones!

3. Toxins (human-made) are by and large fat lovers, if they circulate long enough without being neutralised will find fat tissue to lodge in.

It was also interesting to note that our body take 8 hours to process food and starts clean-up 4 hours after. This means its good to have your last meal early at night giving sufficient time for your body to process and clean-up before breakfast.

Fiber sequesters (high fiber diet) helps pull out toxic waste from intestines keep clearing blood so they don't get reabsorbed. It also feeds good bacteria and promote an overall healthy environment.

My mom has been telling me to eat slowly and chew properly for ages. I knew and understood why. Clean says chewing produces and releases saliva which mixes with food initiate digestion and an alkaline environment. It also kills germs and lubricates transit through esophagos. OK! A good enough reason to start chewing!

If i can summarise, in a nutshell eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, reduce acidity in the body, drink lots of water, control your intake of alchohol and sweets, don't have your last meal to late at night and try as best you can to avoid sources of toxins listed above.

I recommend the book as a reference although some views can be a bit extreme. Still its a good read! Book is available on Amazon, and unfortunately I have not been able to find it in local bookstores in Kuala Lumpur. 

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