Sunday, 29 January 2012

Corn Oil

I watched a video recently on YouTube with Dr. David Servan Schreiber, a french physician,  neuroscientist and author who battled malignant brain tumor.  In his video he advocates against the use of corn oil. He explained the correlation between the production of corn oil and incidences of cancer in the US.

This got me thinking. I have been using corn oil or sunflower oil all my life. Its the cheapest oil and most widely available. However after watching this video I started googling for health benefits on corn oil and i could not find much material. Finally resorting to wikipedia the following was stated under negative health effects:

Some medical research suggests that excessive levels of omega-6 fatty acids, relative to omega-3 fatty acids, may increase the probability of a number of diseases and depression.[3][4][5] Modern Western diets typically have ratios of omega-6 to omega-3 in excess of 10 to 1, some as high as 30 to 1, partly due to corn oil which has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 49:1. The optimal ratio is thought to be 4 to 1 or lower.[6][7]
A high intake of omega-6 fatty acids may increase the likelihood that postmenopausal women will develop breast cancer.[8] Similar effects were observed on prostate cancer.[9] Other analysis suggested an inverse association between total polyunsaturated fatty acids and breast cancer risk.[10]

Most of us buy products without putting much thought. We see a cooking oil that says enriched with Omega 3 and we think its good. Then we see another one that says Omega 3 and Omega 6 and we think this must be better. Not knowing if we need it or what it does in the body.

In summary Corn oil is not good for you as it contains a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio which can lead to diseases. Try to switch to alternatives like coconut and olive oil where possible limit corn oil to frying if necessary.

Clean - a Book by Dr. Alejandro Junger

I must confess i was drawn to this book for its title! I am a bit of a clean freak.

'Clean' by Dr.Alejandro Junger is a New York Times bestseller on the art of the body's natural ability to heal itself. I want to share some of the interesting comments in the book to all my readers.

The author says health is a state when body is clear of toxins, mind is settled, emotions are happy, waste eliminated and organs efficient. Yup we all know thats easier said than done! Anyway here are some facts according to the book on toxins.

1. Toxins contain free radicals that corrode tissue and cell damage. Difference toxins interfere with different cell division, reproduction, hormone assembling and release and receptor sensitive.

2. Common sources of toxicity include car exhaust, gardening and lawn chemicals, dry cleaning, heating systems, chloride in swimming pools, mattress containing fire retardent, lead paint, cleaning products and waxes, aluminium containing deodarant, cosmetics, pots and pans with aluminium and teflon, eletromagnetic radiation from electronics and mobile phones!

3. Toxins (human-made) are by and large fat lovers, if they circulate long enough without being neutralised will find fat tissue to lodge in.

It was also interesting to note that our body take 8 hours to process food and starts clean-up 4 hours after. This means its good to have your last meal early at night giving sufficient time for your body to process and clean-up before breakfast.

Fiber sequesters (high fiber diet) helps pull out toxic waste from intestines keep clearing blood so they don't get reabsorbed. It also feeds good bacteria and promote an overall healthy environment.

My mom has been telling me to eat slowly and chew properly for ages. I knew and understood why. Clean says chewing produces and releases saliva which mixes with food initiate digestion and an alkaline environment. It also kills germs and lubricates transit through esophagos. OK! A good enough reason to start chewing!

If i can summarise, in a nutshell eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, reduce acidity in the body, drink lots of water, control your intake of alchohol and sweets, don't have your last meal to late at night and try as best you can to avoid sources of toxins listed above.

I recommend the book as a reference although some views can be a bit extreme. Still its a good read! Book is available on Amazon, and unfortunately I have not been able to find it in local bookstores in Kuala Lumpur. 

Friday, 20 January 2012

Aluminium in Antiperspirant Deodarants

For years now there has been a debate about aluminium compounds contributing or may cause cancer. I took a closer look on how this works.

Aluminium compounds such as aluminium zirconium and aluminium chloride, are used in many antiperspirants to shrink the sweat gland and prevent wetness. So basically it stops the flow of sweat to the skin's surface.

Some research suggests that aluminium based compounds which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, maybe absorbed by the skin and cause estrogen-like (hormonal effects). Because estrogen has the ability to promote breast cancer cells some scientist have suggested that the aluminium-based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Studies on antiperspirant deodarants and breast cancer have provided conflicting results more research is needed to investigate further.

So what do we do now? I prefer to sought out other alternatives (currently using Burt's Bees deodarant) like one without aluminium compound and yes you have to read the very small print at the back to see if these compounds exist.

But let me make things a little easier. Your regular brands, like Rexona for instance, contain aluminium but there are brands out there that do not. Shop for deodarants and not antiperspirants as most if not all contain aluminium. The very least don't use after shaving or on broken or irritated skin.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Strategies to Reduce Toxins in your Home

Without going into the types of chemicals one is exposed to as it is difficult to identify a specific toxin in the home and take appropriate measures to contain exposure to it, here are some general strategies to reduce the overall level.

1. Use natural cleaning products in your home. In Malaysia you can obtain those at Cold Storage, Village Grocer (Bangsar), Country Farm Organics and BMS Organics.  There are websites that teach you how to make your own or suggest healthier alternatives

2.  Establish a no-shoe policy in your home.

3.  Avoid using chemical pest control products. Pharmacies do sell eco-friendly products like Bio Z (Natural Insect Repellant) or you can use lemongrass incense sticks to ward off mosquitoes.

4. Use toxic reducing house plants.

5. Clean your furnace and/or A/C filters every three months. Don't forget your water filtration system.

6. Switch over where you can to natural brand toiletries. In KL you can try brands like  Origins , Juice Beauty (Gardens Midvalley) and many more (more on beauty products in another article)

7. Avoid using artifical air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softners or other synthetic fragrances as they pollute the air your breathing.

8. Use water filtration system. There are many out there.

9. Ventilate. Open doors and windows during the day to facilitate air flow.
10. Use low-VOC or zero-VOC paint, sealants, finishes and carpeting. ICI Dulux has an eco-friendly range.

Monday, 16 January 2012

How to live to be 100

I read an interesting book titled 'How to Stop your Doctor from Killing You'  by Vernon Coleman. Sounds cynical but there were some interesting points. Here are tips author says will increase your life expectancy.

1. People who live long are early risers

2. Be careful not to eat too much as it puts a strain on your body

3. Dream as it helps to relax and make you feel good

4. Drink alchohol in moderation

5. Don't dwell on the past

6. Be as independent as you can be. The more you can control your destiny the healthier you will be

7. Take as few pills as you can

8. Don't worry

9. Do not smoke

10. Avoid sugar rich and fatty food

11. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables

12. Find a hobby you really enjoy

13. Share your emotions with people who are closest to you

14. Exercise three times a week

15. Spend half a day a week being selfish and make sure you have plenty of fun in your life. If you see life as an adventure you will live longer

16. Drink plenty of fluids

17. Do something physical whenever you feel angry. Let it out!

18. Keep a diary

19. If you drink tea or coffee, drink it fairly weak.

20. Make an effort to look after your appearance. Cheerful clothes and looking good improve the way you feel.

21. Try to be selective about your TV watching so you don't waste time

22. Never underestimate the power of your mind. Your mind can make you ill but can make you well again.

23. Learn to listen to your body by increasing awareness of it

24. Never hand over your health, your body and your life to doctors. Make sure you retain control

25. Learn to adapt. This is a survival skill

26. Be prepared to say 'No" when saying "Yes" will put you under unnecessary stress or make you resentful.

27. Breathe clean air.

28. Learn simple exercises to calm your body like deep breathing.