Tuesday 17 April 2012

Lemon Water

One of the things I have been incorporating into my list of daily must-dos is to drink lemon water. I first became aware of lemon water when i was diagnosed with cancer and my aunt suggested I have a cup of lemon juice at least once a week. Now I cut a few slices of lemon on throw it into my drinking water . It taste strange at first but you get accustom to it after awhile.

So why lemons? Lemons mixed with water creates a beverage when imbibed, helps raise the body's PH level. Lemon juice when metabolised, is alkalizing and therefore can balance out the acidic body. You don't want to be acidic as this makes you susceptible to falling ill, feeling fatigue, etc

Lemon water also stimulates digestion and relieves heartburn and bloating. I suffer from bloating if i have eaten food that is acidic. Now i sip lemon water after a meal and it has helped to alleviate bloating.

Drinking freshly made fruit juice or lemon water first thing in the morning is a great habit to incalculate. Please do not drink lemon juice in its concentrate form as i tried this once and got a tummy ache. So always dilute in water!

A word of caution as lemon is alkaline when metabolised but acidic in the mouth hence its good practice to rinse your mouth after drinking to eliminate residual acid. I have read that some find drinking lemon water regularly helps to reduce sugar cravings and calms digestion.

Suggest you keep a couple of lemon slices in the fridge so you can add it into your drinking water daily.

I recently received an e-mail message that read " Lemon Kills Cancer Cells - Surprising Benefits of Lemon" allegedly from Institute of Health Sciences In Baltimore. This is a hoax e-mail. The Institute of Health Sciences has issued a statement to say the content and information did not come from them. Although there are beneficial effects to lemon water this e-mail contained unproven, unsupported and significantly exaggerated claims as a cancer remedy and should not be considered a valid scientific report.

Scientific studies (2005 Science Daily and Medicinal use of Citrus published by University of Florida) however do indicate compounds in citrus, including lemon, have potential as anti- cancer agent. However it is not yet clear exactly how citrus will prove to be in preventing or fighting against cancer. It is also not accurate to say lemon is a viable alternative to traditional treatments like chemotheraphy. To be useful health advice needs to be valid, accurate and supported by credible medical sources. (www.hoax-slayer.com)

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