Recent studies have indicated evidence of the endocrine (hormonal system), reproductive and developmental effects on parabens.
Parabens absorbed through the skin and can be stored in the body. Once parabens are in the body it affects the hormonal system by mimicking oestrogen, the hormone that promotes cell growth. The promotion of cell growth link parabens with cancer whereby parabens have actually been detected in human breast cancer tumors(Darbre 2004) Oestrogen stimulates breast breast tissue: it can encourage the development of fibrocystic breasts, and supplementing with oestrogen is known to increase woman's risk of breast cancer.
It also stimulates the lining of the womb, the endometrium, increasing risk of endometrial cancer and encouraging the growth of fibroids.

3. Propylparaben
4. Butylparaben
5. Benzyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
5. Methyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
6. Propyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
7. Ethyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
8. Butyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid
9. Parathydroxybenzoic acid
10. Parahydroxybenzoate.
From my reading both U.S. Food and Drug Administration and National Cancer Institute states usage levels of paraben are no reason for consumers to be concern and that more research need to be conducted to understand the relationship between these chemicals and cell activity. However both institutions do not state that parabens are safe to use.
Here is a link to Household Products Database by US Department of Health and Services which contains information about the ingredients used in major brands.
Link to Health Risk of Hidden Heavy Metals in Face MakeUp.